NEWSLETTER: The end of our exciting RIT project – let’s keep up the good work!

Dear partners and stakeholders, 

once again, we are approaching the end of our exciting RIT project. It has actually happened two times before and we keep showing up in a new costume. Exactly how and when it will be this time is not decided, but you can count on us being back! 

The eight years within the RIT project have been full of hard and interesting work that very often ended up as success stories. There have been a lot of lessons learned along the line and we are so much more experienced when it comes to strengthening our space region, building up the ecosystem and attracting both investors and new establishments.  

The focus is still to create sustainable development and strengthen the collaboration within the space arena, regionally, nationally, and internationally. 

The upcoming year has a lot of interesting things to offer within our space region, not least a launch of the first satellite from Spaceport Esrange. This step will be of great importance and a real milestone to position us as a strategic partner on the global space arena. It looks like we will be first in Europe to access space from European ground (not counting Russia) and we can all feel satisfied and proud with our work.  

In addition to this, SSC, IRF and LTU are strengthening our position as a test region for new micro launchers and space components, space research at IRF and LTU is growing with several new positions needed to be staffed shortly and applications to our space education programmes at Space Campus are as numerous as ever. The innovation support system is well established, and we have a continuously steady flow of applications to the space incubator, ESA-BIC Sweden. It looks very encouraging.

Let’s keep up the good work!

Johanna Bergström-Roos
Project manager RIT

Read the full (very interesting) newsletter here –>